Photo Credit / Amy Lukac
By Amy Lukac
Opinion Editor
In the year of 2015 the LGBTQ community was finally awarded their rights. The celebration nationwide was something amazing. Parties were thrown, people danced in the streets and the NYC Gay Pride Parade was better than it ever had been.
I am lucky to be able to actually be in the parade and walk with Citi Bank, so I got to see the pure happiness among us all with the great news. In my opinion, “gay rights” shouldn’t even be a ‘thing.’
We’re all humans. It doesn’t matter if we’re a different race, speak a different language or love the same sex; we’re all human.
The news about being able to marry the same sex legally in all 50 states changed lives. These lives could be broken once again is our potential “leader” Donald Trump wins the presidential campaign.
During an interview with FOX News this passed Sunday, Trump said, “It has been ruled upon. It has been there. If I’m elected I would be very strong in putting certain judges on the bench that I think maybe could change things, but they have a long way to go.”
He added, “I disagree with the court in that it should have been a states’ rights issue… This was a very surprising ruling. I can see changes coming down the line.”
Apart from these comments filled with stupidity, he had mentioned multiple times that he is “for traditional marriage.”

What I don’t understand is the fact that this decision is big enough for a little conversation let alone a huge part in our world. Who cares if I want to date other girls? Who cares if Lance Bass likes to put on some glitter and snuggle with his man? There’s nothing wrong with it.
According to New York Magazine, back in 2000, Trump had been an opponent of marriage equality and same-sex partner benefits.
He thought the marriage-rights issue should have remained a state-level decision. Funny, because he told the Hollywood Reporter in August that anybody continuing to fight the ruling was just playing politics.
“Some people have hopes of passing amendments, but it’s not going to happen. Congress can’t pass simple things, let alone that. So anybody that’s making that an issue is going it for political reasons. The Supreme Court ruled on it,” said Trump.
We all know that Trump is the kind of dude (I refuse to say man because he isn’t one) that loves to say whatever comes to his mind. He has managed to insult almost every ethnicity, religion and human being on this Earth. Just as I thought he didn’t have anything else to say that is totally absurd, he pulls this one out of his politically, moronic pocket.
Why can’t we focus on the changes this country actually NEEDS? There are more than a handful of repairs America is ready for, and instead of attending to those real problems, overturning gay rights seems to be an important priority. Leave the LGBTQ community alone.
Love is love.
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