A new semester always brings about change for the various activities within ESU, and The Stroud Courier is no exception.
Due to changes in staff and writers, The Courier is no longer able to release as much science content as it been in previous semesters; therefore, page A3 is heading in a different direction.
This page, now titled Student Life, is about—you guessed it—the students of ESU! This page hopes to go in depth over upcoming activities and events, and take a closer look at the students who are running them.
Some highlights of the page hope to incorporate some features that have already been going on, such as the Student Senate-run “Humans of ESU” social media accounts as well as interviews with prominent student figures on campus, such as the WESS DJ of the Week and Student Senator of the Month.
The page will be developing and changing throughout the semester as we get a feel for what the students are interested in, so don’t forget to check back regularly to see what’s there!
Ultimately, this page is designed to interact with the life of the students; after all, you are what make this university the progressive machine that it is.
“The Stroud Courier is a student newspaper, and I want to make it so that the students are better reflected in it,” explains Editor-in-Chief Kathleen Kraemer.
“With the student athlete profiles on our sports page, the new WESS DJ of the Week and Student Senator of the Month and the “Humans of ESU” photos, we want to show our students!” she continued.

We have high hopes for the future of A3 and the new perspectives it will bring to the Courier.