Photo Courtesy / youtube.com
By Alexa Stephens
Contributing Writer
The Super Bowl may be one of the only television events in which viewers are not so inclined to pull out their phones during the commercials, but instead actually watch the 30 to 60 second hyped up ads.
Half of the fun of the Super Bowl is the commercials and every year we get a dose of the best, the worst – and of course – the weirdest.
One of the highlights was definitely the Heinz wiener dog commercial.
It combines two things the average American loves – puppies and anything to do with food! Watching these hot dog pups run across the field into the arms of people dressed as bottles of ketchup certainly did receive an overwhelming thumbs up from viewers.
T-Mobile also did it right this year with a play on Steve Harvey’s Miss Universe Mistake that started the hashtag #Ballpologize and Drake’s new version of “Hotling Bling,” “Restricted Bling,” that shamed other wireless companies for ruining everything.
Hyundai’s Kevin Hart “First Date” commercial received a general thumbs up from the majority. It was funny and relayed a topic that is not unfamiliar to most, and Kevin Hart did not hurt.
They also did something great in their Ryanville commercial. They got their point across and showed a town of just Ryan Reynold’s. What more could one ask for?

Moving on to something more along the lines of an “American Horror Story” was the Puppy-Monkey-Baby.
In an attempt to get a laugh out of us, Mountain Dew introduced to the world this creature from our nightmares.
It was hard to focus on the product they were trying to sell when my brain was screaming for me to turn it off. However, this will definitely be a topic of conversation.
A hit or miss for the public was the Steven Tyler Skittles commercial. It was weird, but for fans, it was great.
Another draw was the Super Bowl baby choir commercial. It was super cute at the beginning with a hilariously true topic – but then Seal came in and it got weird.
The idea was a good one, but the three minute long song was a bit too much to handle. The shorter version was good enough.
Doritos decided to hand things over to amateurs this year and hold a contest in which people submitted their own commercials.
Although the baby shooting out of a womb in its quest for Doritos did not quite hit the nail on the head for some viewers, the dogs dressing up in a trench coat most certainly did.
So, in conclusion, T-Mobile did it right, celebrities are a must have and dogs do make everything better. Except for the Puppy-Monkey-Baby. Nothing can ever make that better.
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