STUDY ABROAD IN DUBAI- “After one day landing in Dubai, I went up the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa. These are the lands where the impossible is made possible. From the largest mall in the world to underwater hotels.Dubai is just as luxurious as they say it is. Lamborghinis and Ferraris racing on the way to school, sometimes they are even parked in the school parking lot. Warm weather and palm trees everywhere and along with the desert being right around the corner. I can not deny Dubai was the best choice I’ve made in my life so far. Apart from all the materialistic things, I made some life long friends that I don’t think I could meet twice in my life. They taught me about their religion and what it means when they say dressing well is a form of good manners. If you ever get the opportunity… Visit this phenomenal place. “
– Radhia Adam, Senior, #RUNESU
STUDY ABROAD IN SWEDEN- “The friends I’ve made here in Sweden have become so much like family they distract me from missing my real one.” We’re all from different countries, but that doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, we’re more ‘the same’ than we’d like to admit.”
-Jenny Meck, Sophomore, #RUNESU
Photos Courtesy / Student Senate
Polling ESU: Batman or Superman?
“Batman. He’s a better fighter and he drives the Batmobile, which is the best car ever.” – Suzanna Abele and Tony Henderson, freshmen (above)
“Batman. Superman’s not really human, and Batman is a vigilante justice guy.”
– Jillian Deiley, sophomore and Vincent Gervasi, freshman (above)
“Superman. I believe that Superman will win due to the squirrels at ESU. As long as those got-dang squirrels mess with Batman, Superman will win easily.”
– Glenn Williams, sophomore (above)
Photo Credits / Kristen Flannigan