Photo Credit / Janice Tieperman
Janice Tieperman
Student Life Editor
Nintendo has officially plunged into the world of social media as of March 31, following the introduction of their new app Miitomo.
This app has taken the old technology of “Mii” customization from the Wii, Wii U and 3DS systems and has revamped it into an app for smartphones.
To review, Mii customization is a function created by Nintendo that provides players with a myriad of options that allows them to create a playable avatar.
This customization has reached a whole new level of fun with Miitomo, where smartphone users can create a Mii and then answer random questions provided by the app.
The answers the user types in will then be read aloud by the user’s Mii, where the answers will be subsequently shared with the friends of the user.
These friends can be added simply by connecting the app to the user’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, which then allows the user to see which of their friends is also partaking in the app.
The fun continues as players can interact with their Miis and cycle through various answers their friends have submitted; in fact, the player can like or comment on the posts, similar to other forms of social media. All comments will be posted next to an image of the avatar of the poster, who will then read the comments aloud when viewed.

Essentially, it’s a more ridiculous, interactive version of Facebook that reveals everything you never wanted to know about your friends.
The customization can be taken to the next level with a virtual clothing store, where players can purchase various clothing items for their Miis using a currency they have earned in game.
Players can obtain this currency by reading their friends’ posts and also by leaving comments on said posts. Naturally, the more impatient players can get more in-game money by spending real money.
This app has been getting consistent reviews of 4/5 stars, which is a fair judgment.
Although I’ve only been using this app for a few days, I can attest to the fact that it’s highly amusing, and is the first social media app of its kind.
Miitomo ingeniously recycles Nintendo’s old technology to create a fresher, more fun way to interact with friends, providing a platform even more versatile than the 3DS.
This being said, this app has a lot of elbow room in which it can improve.
Currently, the Q and A format serves to be the only form of interaction between users, making it very limited in terms of social media.
Nevertheless, the app has only been out on the market for a week, leaving Nintendo little time to make any updates in response to the reviews.
I highly recommend this app to any social media addicts who want an app that’s even more mindless then Facebook and Twitter.
It is currently available for all smartphones in the App Store and Google Play Store, so hop to it!
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