Photo Credit / Kristy Yenchik<?center>
Laura Jean Null
Staff Writer
Seeing old movies and elderly couples, makes me think most people have this idea of how love is supposed to be, how they want it to be and how they wish it was.
Look at what our generation has done to relationships. In this modern era of technology, there are multiple stages people actually go through in order to actually become a couple.
There is the texting stage, where there is not a clear understanding if the two people are becoming something.
There are multiple reasons why people constantly text, but when there is an attraction or flirting involved it can create confusion.
Further, when the texting leads to talking, an establishment is made that the two people involved are starting something with each other.
However, this is behind closed doors, for only a few ears to know.
Next, there is the dating stage, where the relationship is shown to the public. Yet, it is still not official.

Until there is a mutual agreement shown that two people are together, dedicated to one another, then they become a couple.
It is a long, complex and complicated process in today’s generation of relationships; one that the older generation probably finds idiotic.
The concept about all this talking, dating and being official together absolutely does not make sense.
If you want to be with someone, and they want to be with you, then just do it.
The only ones making this difficult are the ones that do not know exactly what they want, but still create a reaction. By reaction I am referring to leading someone on. This is not gender specific, both guys and girls do it.
They lead the person on, whether you are in the talking or dating stage. By leading someone on I am referring to the person making them like you, have feelings for you, wanting to be with you, then completely ending it with no specific or justified reason.
Yet, the excuse that can always be used: it was not an official relationship. Thus, it was not serious and does not matter.
The downfall of our generation is we do not see a problem with toying with others emotions, intentional or not.
We act on impulse and at the moment our generation may truly believe in what they say, but when it comes to long-term decisions, we are a generation of non-committers.
Given the opportunity, and believe me, the average teenager has had the opportunity of being in at least one serious relationship before the age of 20, most cannot commit. But why?
Is it fear of someone caring about you more than you care about yourself?
Having someone get on a deeper level with you that’s more than sex?
No, I think our generation has the fear of rejection, but more importantly the fear of being hurt again.
Think about when you break a bone, hurt your leg from falling or have any kind of physical injury; you do not remember the pain you were in, however, when it comes to mental pain, it’s an everlasting feeling that can linger in your soul and brain constantly.
A family member or close friend dies, a serious event like 9/11 occurs, or even a heart break, are all emotions that don’t heal like a cut, bruise or bone; it is more mental than anything.
Our generation can be cowardly, afraid to be happy. In fact, terrified that someone can make you happy because once you’re vulnerable and let them in, you give the person you care about the most the chance to hurt you.
Insanity it what love is, and complicated is what we humans do.
In a generation of confusion among relationships, I believe if we let ourselves become vulnerable and go out on a limb, maybe, just maybe, we could have happiness in the form of love.
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