Janice Tieperman
Student Life Editor
Hundreds of ESU Warriors hit the ground running at this year’s Relay for Life, which occurred last Friday and Saturday, April 15-16, from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
This 12-hour marathon included a variety of activities, ranging from a moon-bounce to a mechanical shark.
The event had a Disney theme, and invited participants to dress up as their favorite Disney character.
Though not everybody dressed up in a specific fashion, many donned the familiar Mickey Mouse ears.
Other highlights of the night included a DJ and plenty of dancing.
“Relay for life was a life changing experience,” says sophomore Brithney Campbell.
“Through it, I made many friends and it will always be a night to remember. I can’t wait for next year’s relay, and I like how we always had something fun going on during the night.”
Yet even with all the fun events, the participants kept the true meaning of the event on their hearts for the entire time: finding a cure for cancer.
“The energy the ESU community has dedicated toward the fight against cancer has inspired hundreds to bring awareness to such a heart-filled event,” says student senator Ashlyn Jackson.
“It felt really great to do such a huge event to raise money and awareness for cancer,” Campbell continues, “and it was nice to honor and remember the ones that we have lost to cancer.”
The event proved to be a big success, with $22,698.77 being raised total.
“Relay was such a beautiful, emotional, evening filled with fun and spending time with friends,” says freshman Kiersten Knorr.
“Being on the committee was an amazing experience, and I became close with everyone on the committee, which was great. The survivors’ speeches were great, and they are such strong people. I was on the luminary committee, and that ceremony was the emotional part of the whole event.”
“It’s one night we can all put away our differences and be there for each other,” said Gabrielle Marcantoni, head of the Luminaria Committee.
“Being on the team for four years, I can say this was the best Relay over all. I have seen Relay change and grow so much since I was a freshman and it’s so rewarding to see what we are doing is making a difference and seeing the money we raise and the participant count rise so much every year,” she continued.
“Relay for life is just a beautiful experience to be a part of.”
Relay for Life had plenty of club participation as well, including the WESS radio station.
“Being able to participate in our first Relay for Life meant a lot to 90.3 WESS,” says promotions director Brittany Winfield.
“We were inspired by one of our disc jockeys, Rick Franzo, who survived two brain tumors. He is the host of the Worldwide Brain Tumor Talk radio show and the author of How Horseshoes Saved my Life. He brings new research information and survival stories about brain tumors and cancers to our airwaves every Friday from 6-7 p.m. We are so grateful to raise almost $700 for such a worthy cause.”
Despite being exhausted by the time the event was finished, a good time appeared to be had by all who came, and the world took a 20-grand step closer to finding a cure for cancer.
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