Lauren Shook
A&E Editor
After 10 years of ministry on ESU’s campus, the Voices of Triumph Gospel Choir will be having a concert this Sunday, May 1.
The concert will be performed at 5 p.m. in the Smith-McFarland Theatre in the Fine and Performing Arts Building. The concert is free admission, and various other choirs in the area will also be performing.
The Voices of Triumph Gospel Choir is an organization at ESU where students connect and come together to sing in devotion of their religion.
According to their WarriorLink, they “expect to share the Gospel through song and action.”
Upcoming vice president, Ashlyn Jackson, describes her journey to discovering her place in the Voices of Triumph Gospel Choir.
“I joined the choir because I was on a mission to find a place where I could participate in fellowship and after experiencing the atmosphere of Voices of Triumph Gospel Choir’s 2015 spring concert, I was certain this was an organization I had to be a part of,” stated Jackson.
The choir creates a feeling of family through the members’ shared passions and dedications.

Getting involved on campus opens the door to great opportunities to meet others with common interests.
“I found a family of over 35 diverse individuals experiencing the pressures of college,” said Jackson.
This year is especially important to the Voices of Triumph Gospel Choir, because it is their 10 year anniversary.
The choir has overcome many obstacles, and will continue to thrive as it continues on into the future.
“This event gives both our current members and alumni the opportunity to show our founders that we have kept the legacy alive, despite the challenges this organization has faced over the years,” stated Jackson.
There are high hopes for the upcoming concert.
The dedicated members have been rehearsing greatly in preparation of the performance.
“We have rehearsed continuously, every Monday for two hours, all semester long,” said Jackson, “I personally believe that this concert will be our best yet.”
“When attending our upcoming concert you should expect to be welcomed by the presence of the lord and wowed by the talented performers,” said Jackson.
Jackson encourages “all of ESU: students, faculty and staff, to participate in our celebration for an experience of a lifetime.”
For a concert filled with passion and dedicated performers, head over to the Smith-McFarland Theatre in the Fine and Performing Arts Building on Sunday!
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