Anja Whithead
Contributing Writer
Calling all videographers, photographers, graphic designers and social media buffs! My, does ESU have the club for you!
If you haven’t heard of it yet, it’s known as The National Broadcasting Society or NBS.
NBS is a club on campus that films, takes photos, does graphic designs and handles other organizations’ social media pages as needed.
This year, NBS will be keeping up with David Good’s Youtube page and Instagram account.
Also, we’ll be filming and photographing the TED X event on Oct. 8 in Stroudsburg.
This is a huge event for the club members to increase and enhance their skills.
You do not need to be an expert to join or help on projects; other more experienced members are always willing to lend a helping hand to guide new members in the right direction.

Though it is a club on campus, it is also recognized as a national organization with other clubs across the country.
To help NBS Chapters meet others from across the country, there is a National Convention held once a year.
This year the convention will be held in Rutherford, New Jersey which is about two train stops away from New York City. It is close, easy to get to, and great for networking opportunities.
The East Stroudsburg University Chapter of NBS holds meetings every Tuesday at 3 p.m. in Rosencrantz classroom M. These meetings do not last longer than a half hour.
As a point of interest, we have many positions available on our executive board and reelections are conducted once a semester.
People who hold a positon on the executive board will be meeting on Thursdays at 3 p.m. in Rosencrantz classroom M.
“I love NBS because it brings people from all over my major together and we get to create pieces of work together! We are a team and we all love what we do,” stated Vice President
Mathew McFadden.
Another club member, Vincent Gervasi, said, “NBS is a great place to learn, grow, and educate yourself about the media field. I love NBS and it has helped me grow my passion for broadcasting and media.”
For those interested in media and technology, this is the club for you! NBS hopes to see you Tuesdays at 3 p.m. in Rosencrantz classroom M.
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