Angela Pender
Contributing Writer
Having acne-free skin is not easy, especially if you are a woman who likes to wear makeup but forgets to remove it at night.
Wearing makeup is what some females use to enhance themselves to feel prettier, but it can also cause oily skin and pimples to appear. states, “Leaving makeup and dirt on skin doesn’t just clog pores; it can cause excessive dryness and even skin dandruff.”
It is very important to wash the makeup off your face before bed and cleanse makeup brushes.
A British study found 72 percent of women never wash their sponges or brushes, even though they harbor dirt and bacteria which can cause breakouts.
By cleaning your makeup brushes and washing the makeup off your face at night, you can decrease the chances having pimples.
Using smartphones can also increase the risk of damaging skin.
According to a Stanford University study, iPhones get more germ infested than a toilet in a subway bathroom.
In fact, the glass touch screens on mobile devices are so good at spreading viruses that sharing them may be equivalent to sneezing on someone’s face.
They suggest to wipe your phone down with a Clorox wipe a few times a day to keep your face clear and bacteria-free.
Another helpful tip would be to go to bed early because everyone need their beauty sleep.
No seriously, by going to bed early and resting at night your skin is instantly rejuvenated the next day. “Your body’s cellular renewal team has the night shift, so this is when you want to equip your skin with as many nutrients and hydrating ingredients it needs to do a fine job,” says Amy Wechsler, a U.S. physician and dermatologist.
Going to bed early can refresh your skin and by cleaning makeup brushes and your face twice a day, your skin can remain flawless.
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