*Sending advice your way to deal with your dates, deadlines, and dorm mates every week*
Dear Becca,
I am a freshman and have been considering joining a club, but fear of the unknown has held me back thus far. Should I join something this early, does it matter? And how do I know what I want to become involved in?
Wary of the Unknown
Dear Wary of the Unknown,
I think all of us are anxious about something when it comes to school.
For instance, I am not the best at public speaking, so how you feel is completely understandable.

In my opinion, you should get involved, and the sooner the better.
You always want to keep your future resume in mind when you are making decisions about what kind of college experience that you are going to have.
It is common knowledge that the job market out there is tough, and you will find yourself up against others that might be equal to you in education and experience.
So, you always want to think about what you can do to make yourself stand out.
In order to find something to join, go to www.esu.edu.
At the top of the screen, click on “myESU,” and login.
Once you are logged in, click on “Warriorlink.”
Create an account for yourself, and settle in to read through the A-Z list of organizations.
You know what you like, and you should be able to easily find something that interests you.
Once you have chosen, click “Join Organization,” and this will send a message to the primary contact who can then approve/decline your request.
Joining something related to your major is a great way to meet more people that could be taking the same classes you are.
As you become more familiar with them, your class experience will also improve.
I don’t know about you, but I always enjoy myself more if my friends are there with me.
Lastly, if you choose an organization in your major, the faculty advisor could be a teacher you run across in the future.
Getting to know as many of your teachers as possible can only help you because then you would have someone to go to for things like letters of recommendation.
I recognize it is not always easy to do things that scare us.
But the potential benefits for you in the end, in my opinion, are definitely worth going for it.
*Hey there East Stroudsburg University Students! Have an issue that you need help with? Send your questions my way, and check out my advice column every week to see if your question has been chosen!*
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