Photo Credit / Amy Lothian
Angela Pender
Contributing Writer
Do you have a makeup addiction? Does it involve waking up an hour or more before class? Or do you even grab your bag to look for a pencil, but find your eyeliner pencil instead?
Don’t be ashamed, almost every makeup wearing girl does it, but the true question is why do women wear makeup?
The answer is simple… to look and feel beautiful, of course! According to psychologytoday.com, “Beyond any attractiveness measures, cosmetics may help women create certain favorable social perceptions.
A recent experiment revealed that women pictured wearing cosmetics were evaluated as healthier, more confident, and even having greater earning potential than the same women wearing no makeup.”
Wearing cosmetics allows women to feel more confident and lets them release their inner beauty as well.
Everyone wants that special feeling of feeling pretty, and the art of makeup allows that to happen.
Makeup allows people to express themselves and can also enhance looks that can even help in the work field. Shape. com states, “Women who gloss up more than four days per week not only feel better about themselves, but also hold more senior positions at work than ladies who keep their lips au natural.”

Women who wear calm colors such as pinks, nudes, and peaches are expressing the flirtatious, sweet, and innocent look and we want guys to notice. Shape.com also reveals that “Pink lipstick wearers are perceived as more sociable and fun-loving.
Pink is also the color of power: Senior executives are more likely to own a shade of pink” and “Nude lips help women seem more warm and caring, which is why psychologists recommend trying a nude shade for that first date or a night out with good friends. Plus, you get the perks of the women who wear lipstick most often (like a boost in confidence) while emphasizing your natural coloring.”
If women wear bold colors such as red, black, purple, and burgundy they are making a statement and want to be complimented by everyone.
“Red rockers are deemed more creative and daring by others, “and plum puckers (or purple) allow women to seem more independent and self-sufficient” (shape.com).
As you can see, wearing makeup is not just something women do, but it’s how we communicate our emotions and ultimately says a lot about us to others.
The intelligent Roberta Gately once said, “Lipstick is really magical. It holds more than a waxy bit of color — It holds a promise of a brilliant smile, a brilliant day, both literally and figuratively.”
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