Rebecca Rue
Opinion Editor
*Sending advice your way to deal with your dates, deadlines, and dorm mates every week*
Dear Becca,
I am struggling with writing my papers in one class because English is not my strength, and with some of the topics in another. Should I get a tutor? If so, what is available to me as a student?
Stressed Out
Dear Stressed Out,
I empathize with your struggles. College isn’t easy and we all need help sometimes.
ESU offers tutoring services for all of its students.
One service is general tutoring through Rosenkrans.
Go to and click on Academics, Academic Enrichment and Learning, and then Tutoring Program.
The page explains the versions of sessions they offer (individual, group, etc.), what you should expect during the meeting and where they take place, and the benefits of seeking help.
The available hours for the regular semester are listed as follows: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and closed on the weekends.
You can apply for a tutor online, which is great for your convenience.
Click on “Application to Get a Tutor,” fill out all of the required information, and choose your class from the drop-down menu availability.
I hope your specific class has a tutor available for your needs.
If you do decide to utilize this avenue of assistance, I wish you the best of luck.
The Writing Studio, located in the back right corner of the Kemp Library, is a tutoring service available for students to help with their writing process.
They have set hours like Rosenkrans, and they are as follows: Monday to Thursday 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., Friday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
When you first walk in, you are greeted by a desk worker, and they will help you sign in.
Once a tutor is available, they will sit down with you and explain the length of a typical session and what you can expect.
Make sure to bring your assignment sheet along with your paper because this will help them give you better advice.
Don’t ever be afraid of asking a question. If you need to know something, then the time spent going over it is worth it and is also valuable to you.
If you feel that one session is not enough and you need more help for a particular paper, you are welcome to go back for multiple sessions (on the same day or over multiple days) before your due date.
The only requirement the Studio has is that you have a break in-between to re-group.
Lastly, make sure to always get a Golden Ticket from your tutor before you walk away from your session. They fill out this paper for you to hand in to your teacher as proof that you attempted to get help. No matter what, having something to show for your efforts is a good idea.
I want to wish you good luck again Stressed Out. I hope the resources available to you as a student help you to make it through your academic commitments.
*Hey there East Stroudsburg University Students! Have an issue that you need help with? Send your questions my way, and check out my advice column every week to see if your question has been chosen!*
Email Becca at: