Photo Credit / Kathleen Kraemer
Laura Jean Null
Staff Writer
Tuesday Nov. 8 will be the Fifty-Eighth presidential election in the United States of America.
People here at ESU, including students, staff and faculty, will have the opportunity to act on their beliefs by voting.
The two candidates up for nomination are Hilary Clinton from the Democratic Party and Donald Trump from the Republican Party.
Here at ESU, it is evident that there is a strong push for students to vote. This is shown by the constant advertisements on posters hung all over the campus, political science club tables trying to get students involved, as well as voter registration volunteers and helpers actively informing students and assisting them in registering.
According to the CIRCLE, The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, “45% of young people, ages 18-29, voted in 2012.” They also state that, “19.9 percent of 18-to29-year old cast ballots in 2014 elections.”
It is clear that the voting rate for America’s youth has decreased.
In order to find out what motivates those here at ESU to vote, 30 people at random were asked “Why do you vote? And if not, why don’t you vote?”

Here are a few of the responses from the ESU public:
Matt Deegan, part of the political science club and President of College Republicans stated, “Because it’s are civic duty and I feel as though everyone’s voice should be heard.”
Melissa Riley, another ESU student said, “I think it is important for our generation to vote because we need to ensure that the best possible candidate takes office. Our future president should reflect our own views as a country.”
Richard MacTough, Stroud Courier News Editor, contributed his view as well, “I vote to keep the lesser evil out of office.”
Mark Caputo, Delta Chi member stated, “ To make America great again… because I live in a society that’s privileged enough to allow me to choose the people that best represent my voice.”
Alexis Cozza, ESU nursing major had a different stance compared to most, “I feel like I don’t understand the logistics of it all enough to put in a fully educated vote, so my vote would probably be influenced by the people around me, which is just as bad as not voting.”
Well-known and respectable professor, Dr. Patricia Kennedy, J.D., PH.D., states, “I am a super voter… Well at base, because I am an American. People fought a war for the right to vote, but because I am a woman and it was more than 127 years that woman got the right to vote, after men.”
Thus, out of just 30 randomly questioned people on campus about why they vote, most of the answers differed.
Some people discussed voting for personal reasons, that they have a duty as an American to vote and also that they simply should because they have the opportunity to.
Yet, others whom wanted to remain anonymous also have different reasons why they do not vote.
Some of the most common responses were that they do not understand the process, they do not have time, and they do not believe their vote counts or makes a difference, along with other reasons.
No matter your choice, and how you use your right as an American to vote, or not to vote, on Nov. 8 the United States will see voters at the polling booths.
Once the voters’ voice has been heard, there will be a chosen president. That outcome will change American history forever.
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