By Bailee Welsh
Contributing Writer
As an ESU commuter, I come and go every day of the week.
It’s to be expected that there is some traffic because after all, this is a university.
However, when I leave my classes on certain days and other classes are getting out as well, that makes it really hard to leave campus on time because of the mix of human and automotive traffic.
There are stop signs for all the cars and there are pedestrian crossings for anyone walking, riding a bike and so on.
When trying to leave campus, I almost always get stuck at a stop sign because there are students crossing the street in the crosswalk.
You’re probably thinking, are you that impatient you can’t wait for a few people to cross the streets?
No, I’m not impatient. However, it’s frustrating when I’m stuck at a stop sign for five minutes or more, with a line of traffic behind me because all of the people on foot assume they can just continue crossing the street without letting the commuters go.
To address this issue, the campus should consider crossing guards, or maybe even traffic lights.
ESU is a big commuter school and that is often forgotten.
Commuters may have jobs to get to after classes and with the constant traffic, it could be an issue getting there.
Not only do multiple people cross the street all at once, but most of the time, they don’t look when they’re crossing.
This is problematic to not only the commuters, but the students on the sidewalk as well.
There is also an issue regarding the commuters who can be a little impatient.
When driving around campus, it should be obvious that people should drive slower due to the people continuously crossing the street.
However, there are a lot of people who whip around corners and fly through the streets, sometimes just missing pedestrians.
If ESU provided crossing guards or traffic lights, both of these problems could be resolved and everyone would be safer and more satisfied.
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