By Angela Pender
Staff Writer
As Halloween approaches the pressure is on because everyone is asking, “What are you going to be?” and you still have no idea because you were just going to settle with that basic witch costume that you have worn for three years in a row.
But this year is different.
This year it is time to experiment with make-up and lose that boring look and spice it up.
Most students love to get into the spirit of Halloween and enjoy the pleasures of dressing up and exploring with the dark colors in makeup for that dramatic look to go with their outfits.
For instance, if you are looking to be a vampire, wearing a black, red, or even a dark purple lip color can give that gory look that and adding a smoky eye and a dash of blood on the neck and chin should add some scare to the look.
Next, is the broken china doll that can be quick and easy to achieve as well. By adding nude lipstick or concealer to your lips, it makes your outfit more realistic when you add the bright red heart lip.
Blush, eyeshadow, and fake eyelashes on both the top and bottom are also good additions to your costume and by using eyeliner on your face to draw on some cracks and some stitching on your neck will complete your broken china doll look.

Or how about a dead bride for something different. Applying the eyeliner on the top and bottom of the eyelids and smearing it gives the messy look.
Instead of the neat and happy bride, you want to look unhappy and ready for revenge and adding blood on the hands and face, black lipstick, and a uncombed hairstyles will do just the job of being a dead bride.
Brides are not for you? Let’s try Jigsaw the creepy killer from Saw. Drawing red swirls on your cheeks, and a red lip gives you that famous Jigsaw look that everyone knows and fears and along with adding two black lines on the sides of your mouth to finish up that puppet look.
I hope that now you have formed many ideas this year on your outfit and give a lot of thought about what spooky colors to wear. Always remember the fun of Halloween and don’t be afraid to dress up because crazy colors and weird make up is what makes Halloween enjoyable.
Happy Halloween.
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