KKP to Hold Holiday Festival

By Kimberly Rauscher
Contributing Writer

As a way to end the year in a festive mood, members from Kappa Kappa Psi (KKP), an honorary music fraternity on campus, are organizing ESU’s second annual holiday festival on Friday, Dec. 9.

The holiday festival gives students who love to play an instrument a chance to come together and spread the holiday cheer. Anyone who loves listening to music is welcome to come and enjoy the concert located at the Ableoff Center for the Performing Arts.

In order for students to participate in the event, they must register at Ableoff from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m. The festival will start promptly at 8 p.m. and run until 10 p.m.

“We want to get together and spread holiday cheer through music. We love getting together with the community to play holiday songs,” said Amy Corradino, the committee chair of the event.

She hopes to reflect the holiday cheer onto the audience and boost their excitement for the fast-approaching holiday season.

Corradino further stated her hopes to present a good impression as a KKP member.

The aim that Corradino has taken for the festival is one she wishes will encourage those who attend to be happier and feel positive towards the school as well as KKP.

“The holiday festival is a way for kappa to give back to the community,” she said.

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