By Kevin Harris III
Staff Writer
Have you ever had an argument and failed to prove your point, but hours later you think of everything you could have said?
I believe we have all had that problem at least one point in our lives.
Now, you either learn how to handle this problem on your own or you can work on your analytical skills, by collaborating with the philosophy department.
Studying philosophy can help develop critical thinking skills to a new level and sharpen the mind itself.
One class in particular can help you with the problem, I mentioned in the beginning would be logic.
Logic is defined as reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity and it proves to be a great class here at ESU.
It, focuses directly on how to establish an argument that has soundness and validity.
You do not have to become a philosophy major to take this course. It can simply be used as a “general need” class for those who want to obtain those simple three credits and learn something useful.
This class can help you write stronger papers and defend any point you may have to a new degree. I would personally recommend Dr. Peter Pruim with and his logic 221 class. He provided the basic knowledge of creating a strong argument and he is a very funny guy.
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