By Janice Tieperman
News Editor
Big things are in store for ESU, starting with the renewal of Provost’s Colloquium Series, a set of intelligent discussions that all are welcome to participate in.
This series will commence on the first and third Wednesday of every month.
“The colloquium is a grassroots endeavor by our faculty to develop an initiative that will enable faculty to share their expertise with students and members of the general public on disciplines and interests they are passionate about,” spoke Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Joanne Z. Bruno, J.D. to Director of University Relations Brenda Friday.
A variety of events is scheduled for the upcoming spring months, at no cost to the public:
• Simulated Cases for Clinical Education: Wednesday, Feb. 15, 3-4 p.m. in Beers Lecture Hall, presented by Dr. Robert Ackerman, Dr. LuAnn Batson-Magnuson,
Dr. Elaine Shuey and Dr. Rachel Wolf
• Hitchcock Reframed: Tuesday, Feb. 28, 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Cecilia S. Cohen Recital Hall, presented by professer Stephanie Daventry-French and Dr. Paul
• La Traviata- The World’s Most Beloved Opera: Wednesday, Mar. 8, 5:30-7 p.m. in the Cecilia S. Cohen Recital Hall, presented by Dr. Eugene Galperin and Dr.
James Maroney
• Proving Patriotism: LatinoMilitary Service in the U.S.: Wednesday, Mar. 29, 5:30-7 p.m. in Beers Lecture Hall, presented by Dr. Adam McGlynn
• Black Mirror and Philosophy: Wednesday, Apr. 5, 5:30-7 p.m. in Beers Lecture Hall, presented by Dr. Tim Connolly
• The Expat: A History of Posting American Employees in Germany in the Post-Cold War Era: Wednesday, Apr. 19, 5:30-7 p.m. in Beers Lecture Hall, presented
by Dr. Christopher Brooks
Any further questions about any of these events? Get in touch with Christina McDonald, director, office of sponsored projects, at (570) 422-7954 or
Email Janice at: