By Laura Jean Null
Staff Writer
When I was in grade school Valentine’s Day was almost like an early Halloween in the beginning of the year.
Everyone, and I mean every single kid, in the classroom participated in Valentine’s Day.
We handed out our favorite candies that were specially wrapped in holiday-themed paper.
Along with that, came the little stickers with our favorite cartoon characters and small little cards marked to and from.
No one had a specific valentine, everyone was everyone’s valentine, and the holiday loneliness didn’t matter because we were kids and candy was the prize of
the day.
When I was in high school, I played it off like Valentine’s Day didn’t matter.
Well, let’s face it, high school relationships aren’t that serious.
My random crush who didn’t even know I existed was not going to randomly show up to my locker and hand me a dozen roses and pull out a guitar and sing me a
love song.
I do admit it though, the candy grams and flowers delivered to people did bug me a tad.
Maybe it was the idea of wanting to feel wanted by someone and have it be a mystery getting random flowers from a secret admirer.
Plus, seeing your friends happy is a good feeling when their boyfriends all got them gifts, but that little jealous lonesome demon in your head thinks, why
can’t I have that too?
I guess when you’re in high school the only good part about Valentine’s Day is that day after… all the candies are half off because the stores must sell
holiday-themed merchandise.
When I got to college I thought Valentine’s Day would suck because almost every other person I knew was in a long-term serious relationship and they were
going to have the ‘most romantic day ever.’
But I realized in my freshman year that there is just as many single decent happy / miserable people around Valentine’s Day just like me.
Instead of thinking about being lonely the best thing to do is just hang with friends.
Have fun and enjoy the cheap candies the next day, because a person can break your heart, but cheap chocolates can save the day.
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