Compiled By:
Janice Tieperman
News Editor
– Use the safety escort service instead of walking alone on campus (570-422-3064). SafeRides is not intended to be a service of convenience, but rather a safe means of transportation when other travel options do not offer a secure environment.
– Report any unusual or suspicious activity you witness. If you witness a crime, be prepared to provide a full description.
– Do not allow people to follow you into secure locations. Request that a “tailgater” use his or her key or swipe card to gain entry.
– Lock the door to your room, even if you are in the room.
– Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable in a place or situation, leave right away and go immediately to an area with lights and people; get help if necessary.
– If you perceive you are in danger, yell or blow a loud whistle and look for an escape route.
– Plan the safest route: use well-lighted, well-travelled routes. The shortest route isn’t always the safest.
– Avoid walking or running alone at night.
– Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you – especially if you are alone or it is dark.
– Avoid using distracting technology such as smart phones, MP3 players, or anything else that will decrease the awareness of your surroundings.
– Avoid levels of intoxication that will leave you vulnerable and unaware.
– Do not display valuables openly.
– Be cautious around ATM machines.
– Utilize locks and other security systems that are in place.