By Madison Petro
Staff Writer
The Contemporary Dancers hosted their annual recital this past weekend in Abeloff to crowds of students, family and friends.
Although the dances were relatively short, they became more upbeat as the show went on. Audiences shouted out the dancers’ names and cheered to show their support.
Cheers were loudest as it got closer to the end of each act, with act one’s closing number to Kanye West’s “Fade” and act two’s closing number to Beyoncé’s “Formation.”
The Contemporary Dancers are a student-run club on campus. Full company dances are choreographed by the Exec Board, but any member has the opportunity to choreograph additional dances.
Seniors also showcase their talent with self-choreographed solo performances.
Thursday night’s show was the discount show, with every ticket sold for $1. Shows continued Friday and Saturday night.
The house was almost half-filled on Thursday and Saturday, with a smaller audience during Friday’s show.
Many students took advantage of Thursday’s discount, with some admitting they would not have come without the discount. Saturday, closing night, drew an audience of mostly family and friends.

The dancers greeted the audience after each show, meeting with their family and friends, as well as audience members seeing the show for a night of entertainment.
“I love performing on stage. It’s different than dancing in the studio,” said Alicia Day, junior chemistry and secondary education major, as well as treasurer for the club. “There’s more energy in the shows. The live audience pumps us up.”
Day has been dancing since high school, while other dancers, like Michael Nicastro, senior hotel, restaurant and tourism management major, started dancing at a much younger age.
“I started dancing when I was 8,” began Nicastro, counting off on his fingers. “So, 13 years.”
Although the dancers have different levels of experience, one would be hard-pressed to guess who has been dancing longer just by watching the recital.
“I feel like I’m in a different world; it makes me happy,” said Nicastro of how it feels to dance. “I thought the show was better than last year,” he added, explaining how rehearsals were more put-together thanks to the chemistry within the Exec Board and his fellow dancers.
The Contemporary Dancers hold auditions every fall semester for anyone with an interest in dance, with no experience necessary. Members are not required to be in the recital, but may still participate in rehearsals, other performances and social activities.
To keep up with the Contemporary Dancers, follow them on Instagram @ESUCD and like the ESU Contemporary Dancers Facebook page.
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