Advice Column: Job Hunting

By Angela Pender
Staff Writer

And the search is on!

As the summer approaches, the pressure to find a summer job is intense because everyone is looking for one.

I know finding a job can be really stressful and sometimes frustrating because hardly anyone is responding back, but it’s okay.

Here are tips and tricks on how to get a job.

To begin your job search, you should know what you want to do.

Like retail, fast food, restaurant style, or even a theme park.

But, you must find an interest that you do not mind doing for a couple of hours.

Next, do your research on the place that you are interesting working at.

It is always best before hand to know information about the job.

That way, when you are being interviewed you have some background knowledge.

You can also ask questions to impress the boss.

Once you have come up with a list of jobs, apply to all of them.

The more the better.

The chances of you getting a call back is higher because you have a lot of places to hope for a call back– but don’t rely on a callback.

If the employer doesn’t get back to you within a week, call the store.

Introduce yourself and ask to speak to the manager and check to see if they are hiring.

That way, you don’t waste your time waiting.

If that fails and the manager is not there, ask when the next time they will be there and pop up to the store.

Make sure you have a resume in hand when you visit.

Also, ask if there are any available positions.

The worst thing that can happen is a no.

So, don’t be too nervous because there are plenty of jobs out there.

Getting a job is easier than you think, it’s keeping a job that becomes the hard part.

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