By Adam Miklas
Staff Writer
“Power Rangers” has been a phenomenon for over 20 years. It still manages to make money, so a big feature film was inevitable. The difference here, though, is instead of a movie based on the current series, this movie is a reboot of the original series.
After a brief introduction and an unnecessary animal masturbation gag, we get quickly introduced to our five main characters. Very quickly, we are told of the Power Rangers and the goal of the villain, and we quickly go through training montages until the villain reveals herself and the movie becomes a real “Power Rangers” movie.
If you noticed that I used the word quickly a few times, it’s because this movie moves rapidly.
We barely get to know these characters, and they all become friends very quick. While their chemistry does feel real, it seems to come way too fast.
Same with their training to be Power Rangers.
It’s full of montages, and they are only really Rangers once in the film at the end.
The film may be fast-paced because the majority of this movie takes place over 11 days, which is way too short of time. We do have a couple slow moments to actually get to know the characters, but that happens only after the halfway point of the film.
The acting goes from good to incredibly cheesy. Most of the main characters manage to make everything sound natural (unless they have to say a line for the sake of a reference).
Even Bryan Cranston as Zordon sounds natural despite being a floating head.
The one stand out, for better or worse, is Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa.
Early on she has creepy vibes, then becomes a bit terrifying, then just goes completely hammy for the final battle. It’s hard to take a villain seriously who acts like this, but props to her for taking it all the way and still come off as a bit convincing.
While fitting the character, it did not really fit the tone. The movie was marketed as a dark interpretation of the cheesy ‘90s series.
While having mature language and content, it is not really dark. It is more realistic though, which is why when the end becomes faithful to the tone of the show, it clashes with the rest of the film hard.
There is action, but it’s not throughout the film.
It’s more or less the last 30 minutes of the film, which makes sense seeing as how the original episodes didn’t get crazy until the end. This is where the CGI explodes and the realistic characters become over-the-top.
It is entertaining, but I wish there was less slow motion, more martial arts action and we could actually see the Zords in action.
They seem to be blurry whenever on screen.
There’s also a bit too much pop music in the final battle, not counting a random, quick cover of the original “Power Rangers” theme song.
The film is also pretty predictable.
We’ve seen these characters before, we know how the story threads are going to play out, we see all of the clichés coming way before they do.
I know that it is a kids property, but if the makers are going through the effort to make it more mature, they could make the story less obvious, too.
So while the movie was better than I thought, with good acting, decent action and real chemistry between actors, there is also a lot bogging it down.
It’s an OK movie, but still full of flaws and it’s definitely not for everyone. It is full of fanservice, though.
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