Compiled By:
Janice Tieperman
News Editor
– The University now employs the use of the LiveSafe Mobile Safety App, a convenient way for students to contact the ESU Police as well as provide anonymous, multimedia tips regarding crime on campus. The app is available in the Play Store and the App Store.
– The University Police is hosting Radical Aggression Defense System (R.A.D.) classes to provide self-defense tips and practice for all members of the ESU community. Classes are held in the ESU Police Department Suite 100, and are free of charge.
– Use the safety escort service instead of walking alone on campus (570-422-3064). SafeRides is not intended to be a service of convenience, but rather a safe means of transportation when other travel options do not offer a secure environment.
– Report any unusual or suspicious activity you witness. If you witness a crime, be prepared to provide a full description.
– Do not allow people to follow you into secure locations. Request that a “tailgater” use his or her key or swipe card to gain entry.
– Lock the door to your room, even if you are in the room.
– Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable in a place or situation, leave right away and go immediately to an area with lights and people; get help if necessary.

– If you perceive you are in danger, yell or blow a loud whistle and look for an escape route.
– Plan the safest route: use well-lighted, well-traveled routes. The shortest route isn’t always the safest.
– Avoid walking or running alone at night.
– Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you – especially if you are alone or it is dark.
– Do not prop outside doors. Keep your room door locked especially when you are sleeping or away from the room even for a short time.
– Remember to keep your doors locked at all times, even when away from your room for a short time.
– Do not let books, book bags or any other types of valuables unattended while on campus.
– Report the presence of strangers to residence hall staff and/or the police.
– If you see that a campus light is burned out or a piece of emergency equipment has been tampered with, report it right away so that it can be fixed.