By Yaasmeen Piper
A&E Editor
Hafiz Tunis, President of the Delta Chi fraternity, says his goal is to change the stigma that lies behind Greek Life.
According to Tunis, sororities and fraternities are most known for their social aspect rather than the side that helps their community.
“We really want to show the student body that Greeks are more than just the social things that they see on T.V. or the things that they are custom to hear,” Tunis said. “We really want to involve the campus community.”
With the help of his fraternity brothers, as well as the Student Senate and the nights opening, ESU’s dance team, Delta Chi created the “Ms. Greek pageant.”
The pageant, featuring nominated members of sororities, are broken down into sections such as Q&A, talent competition and more.
All proceeds from the night go toward the Jimmy V. Foundation for Cancer Research.
“[Jimmy V.] specializes in bone and cancer research,” Tunis said. “Bone cancer is something that affects nearly 200,000 people a year, and we wanted to bring attention to this while also bringing the university together.”
All campus fraternities and sororities are expected to make an appearance at the pageant.
Each sorority is sponsored by a fraternity to help raise more money for each candidate.
The winner is chosen based on a mix of how much money they raise, a Twitter poll and each of the judges.
The judges include Dean of Student Life Cornelia Sewell-Allen, political science Professor and Delta Chi faculty advisor, Cynthia Hamill, ESU alumni Luke Garner 2016, student body President Chelsi Roberts Williams and Megan M., Grad Assistant for Greek Life.
“[Ms. Greek] is open to everybody, not just Greek Life, to come out and support the pageant,” said Matt Crispe, philanthropy chair of Delta Chi. “We want more people to be exposed to Greek Life, to learn how it is and to see how they are together and two, just to get everyone together and have a good time.”
Tunis hopes to get 300-500 people to come out and support the event.
“Overall, what we really want to do is bring the campus community together,” he said. “We’re in a rough climate socially and at ESU. We, the brothers of Delta Chi, really want to make a gesture to the student body to show that there are events that can be good for everyone. It doesn’t have to be limited to Greek Life.”
“Ms. Greek” starts at 6 p.m. tonight at the Abeloff Performing Arts Center. Prices run for $2 for those wearing Greek letters and Greek members (including those of Honors fraternities) and $3 for non-Greek members.
Food and beverages will be provided.
To find out more information on this event, visit ESU Delta Chi’s Facebook page or their website at
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