By Laura Jean Null
Staff Writer
Out of 142 organizations listed on East Stroudsburg University’s Warrior Link, there is one that contributes to multiple events on campus you may not have heard of before, the Community Health Organization (CHO).
CHO club meetings are located in DeNike Hall every Tuesday at 3 p.m. With 31 members on Warrior Link and about 20 active participating members.
“This organization is designed to educate ourselves and others on community and public health related issues and concerns, and influence stakeholder’s attitudes and beliefs on campus and in the surrounding community.”, said CHO’s Treasurer Victoria Gordon.
CHO has worked with the food pantry at Saint Matthew’s, the Alzheimer’s walk, Pink Light Walk, De-Stress Fair, Sex Education Fair and have had members volunteer at the YMCA to help with the senior citizens prom and the Healthy Hoops program.
CHO’s credo statement is to, “Further the membership’s knowledge in community health and health-related fields and to offer experiences in public health practice and research to improve the quality of life of ESU students, and residents of Pennsylvania.”
The club does not have a major requirement and is open to anyone that wants to volunteer and get involved. Gordon said, “I believe that even though CHO is small, just doing a little bit at a time can make a big difference.” Continuing, she said, “We need more people.
You don’t need to be over qualified to help others. We all need to be involved with our community.”“I love being apart of CHO because I like implementing skills and topics that I’ve learned in class when it comes to planning and evaluating. Also, I like knowing that I’m improving individuals’ health on and off campus through our organization.”, said Vice President Kimya Wilkins.
Currently CHO is selling black t-shirts with the quote, “Be the change you hope to see in the world”. Along with that they are selling motivational silicone wristbands to help fund their club.
Additionally, March 21, CHO will be volunteering at Ressica Elementary and helping to create and develop activities that will be addressing physical and nutritional concerns and ideas.
If you are interested in becoming apart of CHO please Treasurer Victoria Gordon through email
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