By Laura Jean Null
Staff Writer defines an advisor as, 1. One who gives advice. 2. Education. A teacher responsible for advising students on academic matters.
Everyday students come in to contact with multiple professors around campus daily.
Some students have their advisors as professors, some students may never see their advisor in a classroom at ESU.
Additionally, during registration time here at ESU almost all students come in contact with their advisor to get their PIN number. In relations, during this time of the semester there seem to be more complaints heard about professors and advisors coming from the student body.
So, what do students think of their advisors when it comes to responding to emails, helping with registration, class, advice etc?
Multiple students have complained about getting in touch with their professors and advisors, whether it be office hours and/or email.
A student that would like to remain anonymous said, “My advisor never answers my emails and when I went to see him, he said it was his first time ever meeting me and asks if I’ve switched my major… I’ve been seeing the same professor for two years now. And the one I had prior didn’t let me speak or ask questions and just told me what classes to take.”
With some professors and advisers there seems to be a lack of communication or responding to information requested by students.
A different student that would like to remain anonymous said, “Well, I have been trying to email my political science professor for the past two weeks about any extra credit opportunities and he hasn’t emailed me back.”
Although, not everyone experienced having a challenging time getting in touch with their professors. Some students even reported having great experiences.
Junior Makayla McCloskey said, “I love my advisor.” Continuing, “She always makes it easy to sign up for our pins and such, and she’s always answering my emails, so I can’t complain!”
Then, there is the mixture of having both good and bad experiences with some professors and advisors.
“Most my professors are good with getting back to me ASAP, but my one professor never responds to emails. But, when you see her she says she got it and forgot to answer which is kind of annoying.”, said Junior Arianna O’Dougherty.
Junior Gina Reed said, “I mean, I feel like a lot of it is give and take with advisors and professors. You have to be responsible for yourself and usually they have their stuff together enough and can help. My biggest problem I’ve had is professors telling me to come to their office hours and swearing they’re free then making appointments during them and not being able to help students because they’re busy with faculty or other students.”
It is evident to see that there are those advisors and professors that communicate well, in a timely manner and friendly. Then, there are others that could be the exact opposite, no two people or professors are alike. But being a professor has a job criterion to it, and that is advising.
“I think advisors need to take the students more seriously because it’s students futures that can be affected.”, said Junior Hannah Legg.
Lastly, all students that were interviewed to talk about their experiences with their advisors and professors agreed to an idea. This idea is “Rate My Advisor”, a program survey done that allows students to rate how well their advisor is doing in the advising area. The program would be just like the “Rate My Professor” survey but apply to advisors being rated by their advisees.
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