By Charlese Freeman
Student Life Editor
“VOT is not just a choir to me. It’s a family that I’ve been accepted and grown into. It’s more than a club or an organization on campus. It’s an outlet that young people in Christ can utilize in a way we may not be able to at our home churches. We’re able to bring God to campus through song and minister in our own way.” said Kristina Conaway, the president of VOT.
Voices of Triumph Choir presented its “I already Won” spring Concert on Saturday in the Fine Arts Center.
As always Fine Art’s auditorium was packed tight with eager family, friends, church members and fellow ESU students, who came out to support the Voices of Triumph ministry.
After the opening prayer, The Voices of Triumph praise team got the crowd going with two selections.
Between each part of the program, Shaunna Daniels, the mistress of ceremony moved the crowd with continuous praise breaks and testimonies.
One of the visiting ministries, included the EBC Jesus Turn Up youth Choir, children as young as six-years-old got the crowd jumping with some contemporary Christian music.

The concert took the crowd on an emotional rollercoaster, from laughing and clapping to crying tears of joy.
ELM Worship Arts Ministry Dance Team paid the concert a visit and amazed the crowd with their dance number “Cycles” by Jonathan McReynolds.
The audience remained amazed when The Sisters of Triumph, VOT’s praise dance mInistry, danced to a powerful dance, to James Fortune’s “I Trust You”.
ELM Worship returned to introduce VOT before they sung their closing numbers. Daniels shouted over the micro phone an introduction of the host choir. The lights flashed black and red. The Alto section was the first to lead followed by the tenors and the then the sopranos during the energetic choir processional.
After an elaborate introduction performance, which featured the choir marching, stomping and doing popular dances.
They were ready to sing. With the help of a live band, VOT sang four selections. The first section was a very fun cultural celebratory song called African Medley by Tye Tribbett followed by the dynamic “Let Everything that Hath Breath” and an upbeat “God Is in Control”.
At the end of each semester choir members unfortunately have to say good bye to their senior members, who are preparing to graduate.
Some tears were shed as the graduating senior were presented gifts of key chains, symbolizing the fact that they will always be a part of the VOT family.
The choir directors Larry and Natasha Ljuljic were presented flowers and cards for their dedication and love toward the choir as well as Kissy Morris, the advisor of VOT.
After the gifts were distributed, VOT gathered for one more closing number, The Name by Eddie James. This number concluded the program and left the audience with hearts of joy.
Next school year VOT will prepare for its annual fall concert.
Tyra Thomason, VOT Secretary expresses “Voices of Triumph Gospel Choir means the world to me. It’s a place where students can feel comfortable expressing their faith among other believers their age. Having an organization on campus such as this is SUPER important especially for students who don’t have a church home nearby. VOT is a one big family and I can personally say that it’s allowed me to grow spiritually and personally.” VOT will always remain a family and are always looking to extend their family.
Next school year there will be a freshmens who decide to join the VOT family and they will be more than welcomed.
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