Amanda Berry
Staff Writer
Homecoming starts this weeks and that means a lot of fun festivities going on around campus. One particularly exciting event is this year’s drag show, “Drag Through Time.” The event will be hosted by ESU’s PRIDE and the Gender and Sexuality Center.
This is the first year Dr. Kelly is overlooking the drag show. He is currently the director of the Gender and Sexuality Center located on the bottom floor of the union.
The show will feature some of ESU’s own students as well as the famous duo Sharron Ann Husbands and Carol Ann Carol Ann.
“The hosts were hysterical, they made so many jokes and sang and danced between acts and it really made the night better” said Rhys Lombardino about last year’s show. “There was a bunch of drags from ESU that went up and performed, it wasn’t just guys dressed as girls either, there was a girl dressed as a guy!”
Drag shows have a very lively atmosphere, and each one is different. The drag queens and or kings put on a show of their own specific taste and style, so it’s hard to say what to expect other than a lot of laughs and fun.
Sharron and Carol have been working together since 2011 and travel around the states performing. For those who have never been to a drag show, here is what you may expect.
Often times males, but it may be female, transgender, etc., dress up as the opposite sex in wild outfits or costumes known as drag. Drag Queens (and Kings) have adopted their own personas and will often have exaggerated features with lots of makeup, big hair, etc.
One famous drag queen many people may have heard of is Trixie Mattel the barbie drag queen who runs the makeup line SugarPill.
It is important to note that one should not assume the gender or sexuality of any of the drag show performers, because not all of them identify with how they dress in drag.
The most important thing to note is to be respectful and have fun. ESU is a place where everyone should feel safe and included.
The Drag show is at 7 p.m. on Oct. 4 in Abeloff and tickets can be purchased in the Gender and Sexuality Center on the ground floor of the Union.
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