Rania Afif
Staff Writer
The University Senate discussed upcoming changes on campus grounds and new policies on Nov. 5 in the Beers Lecture hall.
After many complaints from students inquiring for a new policy to lower the amount of final exams given in one day, the faculty and student senate finally agreed on a resolution.
A new policy will be implemented this semester stating that no student will be obligated to take more than two final exams on the same day.
Judaha Amoroso, the president of the Student Senate, said this policy will minimize the stress of finals for students.
“Many professors have cumulative final exams and students who are just starting college have a hard time balancing their studies,” she said. “Being able to have no more than two final exams will lessen the anxiety of finals week.”
ESU’s academic senate subcommittee did research on the amount of final exams given to students and found that more than 432 students of students will have more than two finals scheduled on the same day and 16 students will have more than four finals on the same day.
Students can initiate the process 21 days before their scheduled exam.
It was noted during the meeting that students should first approach the professor and ask them if they are willing to change the date. If they refuse to change the schedule, the student can go ahead and go on fill out the Final Exam Schedule change form provided on the academic website.
Students are not required to follow through with the process if they feel like they can handle the amount of exams assigned to them.
During the open discussion, President Marcia Welsh said that the university is working on a new policy for animals on campus grounds.
The university will be more rigid on people letting their pets loose on football fields, where students practice.
“We’ve been having issues this year more than ever with people bringing pets into athletic facilities and not cleaning up after them,” she said. “We have to have athletic facilities and fields that people respect, and our students should not have to deal with picking up dog droppings before marching or practicing for sports.”
The university is looking to increase signs throughout campus indicating whether or not pets are allowed in that area. People will still be able to walk their dogs, but the areas will be limited and away from certain student areas.
The University Senate also continued their discussion from the last meeting in regards to the Rules and By-Laws. The committee has agreed that the president of APSCUF will have the right to appoint one temporary faculty member to be a senator.
President Welsh concluded the meeting by discussing certain events that have dominated the media.
“This has been a very difficult time for our country our commonwealth and our campus,” she said. “We have to realize that we don’t all think alike and we don’t all act alike, but we as a community have to be as civil as we possibly can. This is a critical time where our campus needs to stick together,” she said as she urged everyone to vote in last week’s midterm election.
The University Senate will be holding their last meeting for the semester on Dec. 3.
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