Edita Bardhi
Opinion Editor
‘The first day of school’ – what do these words mean to you?
College students go through a specific routine at the start of each semester to ensure they are well prepared for the next four to five months.
Trips to retail, thrift, and bookstores are guaranteed to be a part of the routine. Likewise, students will spend their time searching online to find the correct school supplies needed.
If it’s not shopping, then it’s various errands that we must take care of.
How else would we get school supplies, textbooks, clothing, food and more?
Obviously, all these are essential to starting on the right foot as a student; however, what we often forget is becoming mentally prepared.
Mental preparation is probably the most essential amongst all.
Considerably, we may have all the school supplies necessary and all our textbooks, but if we are not mentally prepared, then the items are less valuable.
So, how do we become mentally prepared?
The answer may vary from person to person, but I personally believe that if we look good, then we feel good.
Take me for example.
Two weeks ago, the spring semester began and because of timing, I was could only gather a few things together as my ‘school supplies.’
I also did not have any of my textbooks purchased yet. However, I did dress up for the first day of school.
I dressed up for both my Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes and my Tuesday/Thursday class.
Now, was I required to dress up? No, all my professors had already known me from previous classes and/or the newspaper. Yet, I still chose to dress up.
So, why did I?
Dressing up in a professional setting can have a major impact on a person.
As stated earlier, if we look good…we feel good.
Dressing up can build our confidence. For me, having dressed up for those two days made me feel confident and prepared for the day.
Yes, having all my school supplies and my textbooks would have been great, but my clothing was why I could walk into the classrooms.
Personally, this tactic is helpful, especially during the spring semester.
Generally, college students believe that the fall semester is harder to develop focus since we return from a three-month vacation; however, I believe that the spring semester is harder.
Why? Winter break is only a month-long vacation; therefore, we only have roughly 31 days to relax.
That means we only have [roughly] 31 days to relax our mind and body after being mentally drained.
For some students, a month is enough time to refresh and gain their focus back, but others may need longer time.
Moreover, college students do not always consider their wardrobe for most of the semester.
To an extent, it is understandable why. The four years spent earning a college degree are stressful and if we try to look good every day, then we would add to the stress.
The good news is – the definition of dressing up may alter from one person to the next. Some students may believe that a formal outfit is dressing up while others believe that it’s anything but jeans and sweatpants.
Wearing certain colors may also determine the definition.
In all, being well-dressed matters – it can determine how we approach situations and how we feel about ourselves.
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