Colin O’Leary
Staff Writer
Things got nasty for Febunasty, but the good kind of nasty.
On Thursday, Feb. 13, the Living Poets Society partnered with Phi Beta Sigma to host another installment of Febunasty, celebrating Valentine’s Day. Students gathered in Stroud Hall 117 at 7 p.m. for a night of erotic poetry and games.
To start off the night and set the tone for the evening, the audience had to answer this trivia question: what percentage of women can orgasm from intercourse alone?
Shouts from audience members led to the answer of 25 percent, and from there, the fun continued.
It featured performances by several student poets from the Living Poets Society. Their poems incorporated themes of heartache, sex, and love —, particularly sex.
And it wouldn’t be a night of poetry without snapping, and there was a lot of snapping.

“Poetry étiquette: we snap; we do not clap. If something resonates with you [or] you feel the emotion [and] you feel the heat, snap, and then at the end, you clap,” said Stephanie Hawk, the host of Febunasty, as she directed the audience.
Following the rounds of performances, the audience got the opportunity to play a few different games.
For the first game of the evening, volunteers had to pair up and shimmy an orange from their waists o their mouths.
Whoever won got a pick from a plethora of prizes, which included a whip and handcuffs.
After another round of passionate performances, another game was played, and again, the hosts for the evening asked the audience for some help.
This time, the game was like “Hot Potato,” except it wasn’t. Instead of passing around a potato, volunteers had to pass around a vibrator.
The event continued on with more performances of intimate poetry that left those in the audience smiling, cheering, and snapping
One of the last games of the night was a pie-eating contest of sorts. The participants were tasked with finding the cherry with their mouths.
If you lost one of these games, you didn’t leave empty-handed. Those who ran the event provided free condoms to those in attendance.
“Safe sex is good sex” was the mantra.
After even more performances of poems about love and sex, the event ended with an open-mic. For this, audience members could sign up to perform their own poems.
The Living Poets Society meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Stroud 312.
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