Emily Egan
Student Life Editor
If you walked through Mattioli Recreation Center during the day on Friday, April 21, you may have noticed the line of staff, faculty, and students waiting in line to give the ultimate gift: blood.
Blood donations are desperately needed throughout our area and the country, and ESU students recognized the need to hold a blood drive. As a result, the university partnered with the American Red Cross to host a blood drive.
ESU students showed up for the cause; The lines and wait time were long, but the smiles were big. Every appointment slot was filled prior to the day beginning, and enough students attended that walk-ins were being turned away.
Anastasija Gligorevic, ESU senior and Pre-Med Club Vice President was one of the students able to give the ultimate gift.
“I was very excited to be able to donate blood today on campus,” Gligorevic shared. “It’s an awesome effort, donating blood is a very easy way to save multiple lives.”
According to the American Red Cross website, every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood and or platelets. Approximately 29,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day in the United States. This is one of the reasons hosting blood drives is imperative.
According to the American Cancer Society, more than 1.8 million people are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in 2020. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during their chemotherapy treatment.
As a biology pre-medicine major with a chemistry minor, Gligorevic understands how important donating blood is for others, especially people ill with cancer or a blood disorder. She says donating blood is a way for her to get involved before she attends medical school.
“It gets me excited for my future to help others, and it’s a good way to stay removed from parts of medicine but also be able to participate in life-saving treatments to help others and make a difference,” she explained.
“I hope ESU continues to participate in lifesaving efforts like this and Be The Match,” Gligorevic finished.
No matter your age, race, or gender, if you meet the donation requirements you can donate at an American Red Cross blood drive near you.
Email Emily at eegan@live.esu.edu
“Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. It is essential for surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. Whether a patient receives whole blood, red cells, platelets or plasma, this lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation.”
-American Red Cross