A Response to Review of “Everything I Thought It Was”

Christopher Cook
Contributing Writer
I know I am only a small fan out of the worldwide numbers, but if you look around on many general social media, chat rooms and YouTube you will come across so many of the same comments.
How ‘EVERYTHING I THOUGHT IT WAS’ album by Justin Timberlake is getting biased critical reviews that do not give an honest or realistic reflection.
So many reviewers of international magazines actually write about the artist’s personal life and what has been written about his past in the media over the actual album and songs. They are letting personal opinions, much of which has been filtered to them one-sided from a book about his intimate life when younger. He has not even said his side or stated the actual circumstances at the time.
So critics’ thoughts are being swayed from what others write about him, not the realities today of what appears to be a warm, kind man and a great artist. I know I sound like a crazy fan but honestly its not that, I just believe the new album credit is not being shown.
This includes the impressive vocals, fantastic sound of production and mixing, the nostalgia of music disco, ballads and romance intertwined with modern day. If any other singer released such it would be appreciated as being their own spin on their childhood influences in music.
Yes, many are complaining about the number of tracks, yet look again online and nearly everyone has a different favorite, or even cannot choose as all have their own sound. That in itself is impressive, almost serving too much of a good thing not too many.
If any other artist released such an album it’s critic score on Metacritic would at least be mid-60, but because the album itself isn’t being reviewed the score is mid-50s. It has to be credited that in comparison to many other album releases, which are getting higher scores, his is actually far more superior in quality.
So that’s simply not fair, and really shows such music critics aren’t really doing their jobs honestly.
So what I ask is not a telling of what your opinion may be of the new album, but more please review the actual album for what it is and not the opinion of the musician. Which to me is one of his best and definitely one of the best released recent.
And if you do give what Billboard and BBC have stated as the best album of the week, please send it to Metacritic so that the score number projects the truth more.
Thank you for your time.
Yours sincerely
Christopher Cook