By Eric Kump
SC Staff Artist
Today, November 6, at 2:00 PM in Lower Dansbury, ESU’s Service Learning Initiative and Center for Excellence in Teaching will be hosting a Student Reflection Symposium.
The Civic Engagement Seminar Grant-American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU) is funding all programs, refreshments, and advertisements for the event.
The mission of the association is to make liberal education and inclusive excellence the foundation for institutional purpose and educational practice in higher education.
The AACU promotes the liberal arts for all students, without each student requiring a specific field of study. There are almost 1,300 member institutions that range from public colleges to private and community colleges, as well as research universities.
The Student Reflection Symposium will include a series of eight panelists: Dr. Glenn Geiser-Getz, associate professor of communication studies; Dr. Olivia Carducci, assistant professor of mathematics; Dr. Chin Hu, associate professor of sociology; Dr. LuAnn Magnuson, assistant professor of speech language pathology; Dr. Peng Zhang, assistant professor of physical education; Dr. Gene White, department chair of physical education; Dr. Elaine Shuey, associate professor of speech language pathology; and Grant Rauch, PACC Vista member.
Dr. Geiser-Getz said, “It is critical to document the benefits of our efforts with students so that we know we are helping them understand course content and the relationship between what they are learning and what is happening in the community.”
All professors on the panel hope other faculty members will bring students to the symposium. Attending will help transfer knowledge from the classroom into the community, as well as bring the community into the classroom.

The symposium is a free event and is open to the public. For more info about the symposium, contact Dr. Geiser-Getz at 570-422-3585 or
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