By Edita Bardhi
Opinion Editor
For most college students, living on campus is convenient, character-building and a socializing method to earning their degree.
As students choose to take this route, they undergo the same routine each school year.
They are expected to fully introduce themselves to new people.
In all of this, what is the most easy-going activity?
If residents were to answer this question, their roommate would probably not come to mind. And why is that?
Our roommates are strangers to us. We don’t know anything about them. This can be frightening.
Roommates should take the time to exchange contact information, school and work schedules. Additionally, open discussions should be made about personal preferences, pet peeves and guests.
Two of the most important subject matters to discuss are responsibilities and boundaries.
The simplest things such as loud volume, cleaning up and purchases are important to acknowledge.
Moreover, that same fear can transition into stress if we do not take proper action.
Most times, roommates begin to yell at each other, ignore each other, plot revenge and more.
There have even been times where these issues led residents to staying at their friend’s dorm room.
How would you feel if you were getting yelled at for being an average college student? For being treated like you did not matter, let alone exist?
We are all human beings, and we all matter just as much as the next person.
It is wrong when roommates believe they have the privilege to slam the door, complain about things, give commands, give remarks, leave a mess and so forth.
Residents should never feel controlled by their roommates, nor insecure because of them.
If we are lucky enough, our roommates can be considerate toward the anger and stress we observe from these situations.
Other times, roommates do not want to admit they are at fault.
As an ongoing resident, I have been assigned to various roommates, and I cannot say I liked them all. Amongst all my roommates, two happened to give me the most hassle.
The first roommate was selfish.
Initially, she tried to convince me to move out.
It was just the two of us, however, our dorm room was a three-person.
She wanted both her friends as roommates.
She was so determined that the stress she placed on me led to six seizures.
After the sixth one, I reported the situation to the housing and residential director.
At the end of the semester, she got her wish, I moved out, but because of health reasons.
My other roommate was lazy. One day, she was too lazy to walk to late night, and took advantage of me already going.
Unfortunately for her, I had trouble remembering her order.
I stuttered, and eventually I told the cashier, “Put whatever you want on it. I don’t care. If she really wants it, she should do it herself.”
Individually, I am a person who enjoys meeting new people, sharing interests, helping people and more.
As college students and as roommates, we should not allow it to become toxic, but clean.
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