By Laura-Jean Null
Staff Writer
After the continuous allegations against American film producer Harvey Weinstein broke out about sexual assault, a revolution broke out on Twitter with the #Metoo.
Weinstein is the co-founder of Miramax, which produced multiple popular movies.
In the past two weeks, Weinstein has been accused by more than 50 women that he has sexually assaulted or harassed.
Weinstein denies all accusations made towards him.
Additionally, according to MSNBC, the #Metoo movement started a decade ago by activist and camp counselor Tarana Burke, after a camper came to her about abuse.
Burke originally started the movement for women and girls of color who survived sexual abuse.
Her movement has finally reached the spot light.

Senior Brooke Bostic said, “When women stand together it’s a beautiful thing.
Being a feminist and supporting each other is what our generation needs.
We also have to change the mentality of men.
By sharing #Metoo, we are letting the world know we won’t stand for this behavior.”
In addition, the hash tag – Me too movement sparked Twitter when well-known celebrities came out, tweeting #metoo, to show that they too have been sexually assaulted or abused.
Some of these well-known celebrities that spoke out included, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cara Delevingne, Lady Gaga, Gabrielle Union, Debra Messing, Angelina Jolie and multiple other women.
Although, not every celebrity figure was against Weinstein at first.
According to the Daily Mail, fashion designer Donna Karan spoke on behalf of Harvey Weinstein, coming to his defense.
On a red carpet interview she told reporters, “To see it here in our own country is very difficult, but I also think, how do we display ourselves?”
How do we present ourselves as women?
What are we asking?
Are we asking for it by presenting all the sensuality and all the sexuality?”
After this comment was made, Karan received a lot of backlash from the public for her comment implying that ‘women dress for sexual assault.’
Reported by Variety, Karan later made a public apology, explaining her comments were “taken out of context.”
Nursing major Ryan Perlman tweeted his response to all this saying, “I don’t care if a girl is wearing 2 quarters and dental floss, you don’t lay a finger on her without consent.”
Furthermore, the topic was flipped about how women dress, when a man spoke out about sexual assault, actor and former NFL star Terry Crews.
According to The Guardian, Crews “claimed he was the victim of a sexual assault by a “high-level Hollywood executive,” but did not retaliate or speak out over the incident for fear of being ostracized or sent to jail.”
Thus, the defense that women dress for sexual assault shattered when men came out that they too have been victims of sexual assault.
This issue is not a gender specific problem.
English major Richard MacTough said, “I think it’s important for women and even men to not be afraid of sharing their stories.”
Continuing, he said, “As a man, I believe this is a rare experience versus the women being harassed and put in dangerous situations.
Men should ask themselves how they would feel, if someone did the same thing Weinstein did, to their mothers and sisters.”
When discussing the topic about sexual assault victims, criminal justice major Ronald Shousky said, “They shouldn’t be afraid to come out about, it’s not embarrassing and there’s nothing wrong with coming out and saying you’ve been sexually assaulted.”
#Metoo has risen to millions tweeting the hash tag and millions more supporting those victims.
Both men, women and nongender specific spoke out.
Celebrities and everyday people did too.
Some victims shared their story, and those who could not shared it with the world #Metoo as a response that they are not alone.
Communications Professor Marina Odierno said, “This issue does not only pertain the Hollywood elite. Sexual misconduct adheres to no bounds.”
Hopefully, the #metoo movement will lead to open and honest discussions.
Without acknowledgement, there can be no change.”
Along with the many #Metoo, ESU student were shown on social media tweeting the hash tag.
Thus, the Stroud Courier conducted a Twitter poll.
The poll stated, “With the #metoo taking off on sexual assault or harassment, anonymously who else:”
Additionally, the poll had implied for those who have experienced sexual assault or harassment, or those who never have experienced it, could anonymously vote for data purposed.
These are the results.
The Stroud Courier’s poll concluded that, out of 48 people:
65% of Females experienced sexual assault or harassment.
17% of Males experienced sexual assault or harassment.
0% of Other categorized genders experienced sexual assault or harassment.
19% said they never experienced it.
A small study like this on ESU’s campus is just a small representation of those finally speaking out against sexual assault and harassment, millions more have been tweeting #metoo and the numbers are expected to grow as the Weinstein case continues.
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