Laura Sarria
Contributing Writer
“B6,”announced Graduate Assistant for Human Engagement Jordan Ellison. “BINGO!” Destiny Ward said with excitement as she won the night’s last portable charger and flash drive prize.
Warrior Den hosted their first BINGO night of the semester at the Common Grounds of the University Center on Friday, Aug. 31.
BINGO, the game of luck, brought excitement to people for more than 500 years, and frequently to ESU students. Eighty-two students filled the Common Ground tables in the hopes of winning one of the various prizes.
“I had an awesome time,” Destiny Ward said, “it was a great opportunity to hang out with my friends and win.”
Winners got to choose prizes ranging from battery packs, flash drives, to $15 gift cards to WAWA or Target.
“It was a great event and we appreciate everyone who came,” Ellison said. “I look forward for the following events.”
The Student Activity Association or SAA strives to give student alternative options for their Friday night.
“We love to do things that everyone can get involved in,” Melissa Ciment, the Assistant Director of Student Engagement said. “We try to do something different every Friday night.”
According to Ciment, SAA tries to add a diverse range and new activities for students to choose from.
Warrior Den hosts free events throughout the semester in or around the University Center. Next on their list is, “Fiesta Caliente” — a celebration of Latin-American heritage month, on Sept. 21. at 8 p.m. in the Dave Carylon Pavilion to celebrate.
For more information or questions regarding upcoming events, follow the Student Activity Association on Twitter: @esu_saa.
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