Registration Checklist

Photo Credit/ Charlese Freeman It's time fro students to begin registering for a new semester, Spring 2020.

Charlese Freeman

Poster for National Transfer Week

Student Life Editor

1) Handle Overdue Balances:

Poster of Warrior Startup Challenge with QR codes and Prize Details

Before you can begin the registration process, all account balances must be paid. Students who have an outstanding balance on their student account will not be able to register for spring classes. 

You can handle this by simply visiting the financial aid office. A balance places a hold on a student’s account. Students with an account balance under $1,000 will be able to register.

2) Plan a Schedule:

It can be difficult to plan a future schedule, especially if it changes regularly. However, if you are part of a club or organization that meets daily, you may want to consider choosing your classes wisely. 

Your classes should be planned around your organization’s schedule. Also, pick classes that work for your work habits as well as sleep habits.

3) Make a List of Your Classes

You should have an idea of what classes you need. Choose classes that you find interesting, but also that help fulfill your major’s requirement.

4) Meet with Your Advisor

By now you have should have already met with your advisor. However, there’s still time. Meet with your advisor sooner rather than later. 

One key reason for meeting with your advisor is you cannot register for a single class before you meet with your advisor. Your advisor has to give you your registration pin to begin picking class. 

Also, your advisor can give you insight into the best classes you need to succeed in your college career.

 5) Register: Get Them Before Their Gone!

In most scenarios, the early bird gets the worm. Class registration is no different. If you do not want to be stuck with a roster full of 8 am classes or night classes, then get to it!

Classes begin filling up quickly and each day you wait your options become slimmer.

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